Rapsodo caused a stir at the PGA Show with its Launch Monitor MLM (Mobile Launch Monitor) 2 Pro, which can be used as an indoor simulator. In addition to the Launch Monitor, the set includes a stand, the charging cable, a transport bag and three Callaway RPT Chrome Soft X balls, which with their special markings enable the measurement of the spin rate during indoor golf shots. In addition to 13 data values, a database of over 30,000 golf courses for simulations is part of the package as well.
In addition, an E6 interface is supported. The data can be played back on mobile devices (iOS, Android), and those who want a larger screen - especially for virtual golf – will need a separate projector plus such screen. The price for Europe is 799 euros including a one-year premium subscription, which includes both spin measurement and access to the simulator database.
From the second year on, basic subscription is free of charge, for spin measurement and simulator database premium subscription is offered for a fee, the price should be less than 200 euros per year according to the manufacturer. Prices for the subsequent purchase of the balls offered in partnership with Callaway were not yet known. For Western Europe and the Middle East, Ahrensburg-based company Caicon has taken over distribution, a first limited supply of the product expects Caicon managing director Lars Hendrik Pirck for end of February.
For more information: rapsodo.de